Sunday, May 22, 2016

SFF: The 5 Books That Scream Summer (to You)

Sunday Fun Five #54:

A Countdown of

The 5 Books That Scream Summer (to You)

5. Vicious (Vicious #1) by V.E. Schwab
I'm not that partial to superhero tales (save for X-men, but that's another story) but Vicious is one of those superhero/supervillain books I did really enjoy last summer. It reminded me of summer because summer blockbusters often have a superhero flick (or three) among their ranks anymore.

4. Pirates! by Celia Rees
A YA historical fiction I read as a teen (in the summertime, if I recall right) this one gives you both an adventure tale and an informative look at pirates, slavery, and the place of women in the 1700s. It reminds me of summer because... Pirates!

3. The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher (series starts with Storm Front)
Despite a lack of summer-y themes, The Dresden Files have always reminded me of summer- maybe because they harken back to my Harry Potter series rereads, which I also used to do over the summer.

2. Kesrith (The Faded Sun #1) by C.J. Cherryh
Set on a desert planet, Kesrith (name of the book and the planet) isn't the fastest-paced book, but it does fit my idea of a summer read. Filled with alien beings and cultures, it brings you to a different place in the universe... one perhaps only perceptible beneath the stars on a warm summer's night.

1. Moloka'i by Alan Brennert 
Another book named for the place it's set, Moloka'i is an island in Hawaii that used to be where people afflicted with Hansen's disease (AKA leprosy) were quarantined. Set over a long span of time, you get to see the island evolve, and Rachel (the main character) grow up. It reminds me of summer because Hawaii equals warmer weather, which as someone who grew up/lives where you get to see all four seasons (Winter, Still Winter, Summer, and Almost Winter), summer is the only time it's decently and generally reliably warm.

Which books remind you the most of summer? Do you plan to do any seasonal reading during the summer this year?


  1. Ooo Moloka'i sounds really good! I've never heard of it before but I've never read a book set in Hawaii before! I'll be sure to pick it up :)

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    1. The author has written several books set in Hawaii, I believe, but I've only read that one. It tackles some dark issues, but it isn't really a heavy read, per se. I really liked it and hope you do too. :)
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Laura!
      ~Litha Nelle

  2. You know, there aren't any books that scream summer reading to me. I just read whatever. I never realized how much seasonal reading people did until I started blogging. I learned after doing a winter holidays themed read-a-thon that I do not play well with Christmas stories. Ha. Top Ten Tuesday this week was beach reads, but I read magazines at the beach. Ha ha. I am going to twist it up a little for my Top Five Friday and do a post about the books I hope to read during my July-August ARC ban. The Molokai book looks great. There was an old movie about Father Damian I was obsessed with when I was around 12 years old. I swear I am reincarnated from that island because I also would read about new medical treatments for leprosy everytime I saw them mentioned anywhere. Or maybe I am just weird. XD

    1. I think I tend to read lighter stuff in the summer vs. spring, fall, and winter, when I delve into heavier reads and topics. I haven't read anything Christmas-themed since The Christmas Carol, and even that wasn't my favorite.
      Magazines are what I read when I'm in the car, but I could see reading them at the beach. Leprosy is fascinating due to the stigma and fear associated with it. I went on a Google quest right after reading Moloka'i to find out everything about it, because you really don't learn much about it from school.
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting, La La!
      ~ Litha Nelle


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