Step 1: Set up a book blog- type up lots of posts, reviews, and make sure to comment frequently on other blogs. Read lots of books- use your wrist a lot.
Step 2: Continue to do this for two years.
Step 3: Congrats! You made it to your 2nd blogiversary. Here's your present:
You may have noticed I've been a bit slow to respond to comments, comment back, or, you know, do my usual thing (post, visit other blogs, etc.). Well, blogging has broken me for a bit.
I noticed about two weeks ago my left arm felt crappier than usual (usually it's painful, but manageably painful [for me]). I thought it was related to my usual array of symptoms, so I prepared a berating speech for my pain management doctor. My pain management doctor said then that it was likely not in his area of expertise (he said since I came in for abdominal pain and fibromyalgia, that's not his problem), so I was sent to my primary care doctor, having been a bit freaked out by my pain doctor (or maybe not a doctor- it's hard to tell these days). My conversation with my pain doctor went a bit like this:
Pain Dr.: You should see your primary care doctor- why didn't you see her before?
Me: Erm... You're a "pain" specialist, right?
PD: Did you notice your arm is cold?
Me: No... it is? *Suddenly notices left arm is much bluer than my right.*
PD: Go see your primary care doctor, or go to the ER.
Me: *Begins to internally freak out.*
PD: Okay, I refilled your prescriptions. Go see a doctor. *Gives a concerned look to my left arm. Exits scene dramatically while soap opera hospital music plays in the background.*
Me: (to self) Did that just happen?
Luckily, my primary care doctor was easy to get into, and she thinks I either have a pinched nerve, carpal tunnel, and my Raynaud's is causing my Smurf coloration, or I have something wrong with my spine (which wouldn't be the first time, but...). So for now, I'll be blogging less (due to having to wear a medieval knight's gauntlet on my wrist all the time) and trying to keep up with my normal tasks as much as possible. If you've noticed I haven't been around as much, that's why.
Happy Reading (and Take It Easy With the Blogging)!