Thursday, January 21, 2016

Announcing Feel the Paper Love February!

After I looked over the results of my year in review, it was clear I scored dismally on reading physical books- and physical books used to be the only way I would read books, until a few months prior to creating this blog. Therefore, this February, I'm challenging myself to read exclusively paper books- so I can feel the paper love again!

If you'd like to join me on this bookish journey, here are the rules:

1. The books you read must be paper.


1. Challenge yourself to read a set amount of paper books (handy if you have review copies on your ereader).

This challenge will last from February 1st-29th. Even if I end up being the only one being challenged, I will have a few relevant posts and discussions on the physical book vs. ebook pros and cons.

Here is the finalized Roster of Events.

And here's a link-up if you want to add your participation announcement from Twitter and/or your blog:

How many paper/physical books do you read in a year? Do you read more physical books or ebooks?


  1. So tempting! February is a bad month for me though, especially with it being the last full month of COYER. I may have to designate a month later in the year to read paper books. Goodness knows I have plenty to choose from.

    1. I understand completely! This was mostly a challenge for me, but for the hell of it I made it public (also, to hold me to my word- procrastination is my game). I really want to up my paper books numbers this year, and this should help me get a head start on that!
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Wendy!
      ~Litha Nelle

  2. This is too easy for me :) I read ONLY paper copies so it's not much of a challenge hahaha

    1. You would likely win the challenge hands down, then! I used to read all paper books (as I said before), but then I moved to a city with no bookstore with new releases. I'm too impatient to wait for books I wanted yesterday, and too procrastinatory to read the ones I've already got. It's a serious dilemma. ;)
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Guiltless Reader!
      ~Litha Nelle

  3. Good luck! This a wonderful idea. I would join you, but I am in three clean up your TBR challenges, and one us exclusively ebooks and another is a Netgalley/Edelweiss clean-up. I now am in love with my ereader, too!

    1. Ha! That's what I need to do more of. Unfortunately, I'm a rather unrepentant book hoarder. I'm hoping to cull back some of my paper TBR with this challenge, and hopefully not buy any more books during the month. We'll see how I do with that.
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Lala!
      ~Litha Nelle

  4. "Unrepentant book hoarder" haha, that describes me perfectly too. Since we are reading And the Mountains Echoed for our Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge group read, I know I will read one paper book, the rest are review copies on the Kindle. Good luck with the challenge, If you make it a year long endeavor lete know, I have been enjoying reading my paper books and have a whole bookshelf to read.

    1. I was thinking of making it year-long, but I Googled it and someone else had something similar going on, so I stuck with a month long challenge. If I'm feeling up to it, though, there may also be a "Smell the Paper September". ;)
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Tanya!
      ~Litha Nelle

    2. If you do it again in September I just might join!

    3. I just may have to do it again in September. February is the month everyone seems to be busy doing other challenges! :)
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting (again!) Lala!
      ~Litha Nelle


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