Sunday, January 10, 2016

Fortnightly Update #1: A New (Old) Feature and Unfortunate Christmas Gifts

I discovered last year that I didn't care much for posting my confessions on Sundays anymore, so it would make sense to retire NQAC: Biweekly Update, and make it something simple. Lots of people already have weekly/biweekly updates, so I decided to call mine the Fortnightly Update. For obvious reasons, we will never abbreviate this one, but it is basically NQAC: Biweekly Update by another name.

Recent Acquisitions (or the Piling of the-Piles):

the-pile Additions:

Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
I need a lot more books set in South America, and since this is set in Colombia, it was an insta-buy. I have a hard time finding books set in South America, for some reason.

Watership Down (Watership Down #1) by Richard Adams
One of the classics that GRRM has recommended. I'm not always for books that tell a story through an animal's eyes, so we'll see how I like it.

Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
Another one of those classics I enjoy collecting- I've heard both good and bad reviews for this one. Luckily, I only seem to dislike the highly liked books.

Currently Reading:

Assassin's Apprentice (Farseer Trilogy #1) by Robin Hobb
My first Robin Hobb book. Hopefully I'll enjoy it.

The Custodian of Marvels (Fall of the Gas-Lit Empire #3) by Rod Duncan
So, this always happens when I'm reading this series: "Oh, I'll just read a page or two before bed." *reads from 30% to 70%* "Whoops."

Finished These Books:

Dawn (Xenogenesis #1) by Octavia E. Butler
I read this for #VintageSciFiMonth and also because I hadn't read any of Octavia Butler's work before. This is one of those books/series where you have to read the entire trilogy to reach much of a conclusion, but for what I've read so far, it's 3.5 Stars. This is one of the stranger sci-fis I've read as far as alien encounters go.

In the Blogosphere:

Heather @ Based on a True Story compiled an Author Wrap Up that made me drool a little (Lovely, lovely graphs).

Val @ Innocent Smiley has Tips For the Forgetful (or Trying Not to Lose Your Mind Over Book Details). As one who suffers from frequent book amnesia, I found her post eminently helpful.

Shannon @ River City Reading shows How to Keep Your Resolution to Read More Books. Again, it's a helpful post- especially if you're upping your challenge numbers this year.

Haley @ My Addiction: Books reviews Song of Achilles. It is now climbing my TBR pile.

In My Life:

Sometime after I came home from Montana, I came down with a really really really really REALLY miserable cold. One of my relatives had been sick during our Christmas festivities (and had initially planned to stay away), but ended up coming and infecting my grandma, my aunt, my little cousin, and naturally me as well. We all have the same symptoms: mucus-y lungs, throat, and nose that makes it difficult to breathe. One of my relatives had to go on oxygen because of it. I am not a happy camper about the situation, which I initially assumed was simply gauche and thoughtless, but typical of the relative who came.

So naturally, the cold/flu/whatever you deem it has kept me pretty much on cold medicine until further notice, reading when I'm not foggy from cold meds, and remaining indoors. Whenever I go out in public I am armed with Kleenex, cough drops, and I rarely touch anything, just to keep this stupid sickness from proliferating. I've been on disease-control mode since the 27th of December, and I'm ready to be without respiratory symptoms again.

Any recommendations for Vintage Sci-fi? Which books have you started out 2016 with?


  1. I really liked Their Eyes Were Watching God when I read it many many years ago. I hope you will too. I haven't read the other two you recently got. Watership Down because of the point of view it's written from--although maybe I will someday get around to it. I hope you are feeling better. Something is going around my office right now--everyone seems to be in some mode of illness. I am waiting my turn, hoping I manage to come out safely but knowing that's not likely.

    I hope you have a great week!

    1. I'm hoping I will like (if not love) Their Eyes Were Watching God, but I'll settle for like. I am feeling better cold-wise, but unfortunately now it seems my mother has come down with it as well (talk about unfortunate presents- her birthday was a few days ago). I hope you can hold out and be the lone survivor of your office pestilence.
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Wendy. Hope your week is awesome as well!
      ~Litha Nelle

  2. I still have to read Watership Down as well! It's been sitting on my shelf an upwards of 5 years and somehow I've never read it (unless reading the first 4 pages counts...?). I've read several other books through the eyes of animals and I liked them so we shall see! I hope you like it!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    1. Well, hopefully we will both get it read soon (fingers crossed on my behalf). I think the main difficulty with me in terms of animal protagonists/perspectives is it has to be an animal I love. A dog, a cat, or a horse telling a story would be okay, as long as the author knows what they're doing. A rabbit? Well, I'll have to get used to that one.
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Laura!
      ~Litha Nelle


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