Sunday, January 3, 2016

SFF: The 5 Literary Characters that Feel Like Your Old Friends

The Sunday Fun Five #44

Sunday Fun 5:

A Countdown of

The 5 Literary Characters that Feel Like Your Old Friends

This SFF List will be delightfully brief, as I'm currently suffering the mother of all cold infections. Also, it's hard to tell reality from imagination with all these cold meds I'm on. I'm a bit loopy today.

5. Andrea Nash (Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews)
This is the girl you call when you need backup. Just make sure your definition of backup means lots and lots of guns.

4. Harry Dresden (The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher)
We all have the down-on-his-luck friend who's a bit bedraggled and prone to nerdiness. However, when you have a paranormal mystery on your hands and no one else will take your case...

3. Reginald Jeeves (My Man Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse)
He's that friend you go to for advice... only the advice worked in a different way than you thought it would. All's well that ends well... right?

2. Hermione Granger (Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling)
She's the brainiac who can help solve your problems, even if it involves a bit of eye-rolling on her part. So what if she makes you feel a little mentally impaired? Who else would help you whip up a potion that changes your appearance?

1. Samwise Gamgee (The Lord of the Rings trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien)
This is the friend who refuses to let you go on an adventure by yourself. Sure, that may be a little codependent of him, but when it comes down to it, he's got your back- and that's what matters. Just don't believe that creepy bling addict who tags along for your journey.

Which literary characters feel like old friends to you? What traits make a character great friend-material?


  1. I'll second Hermione - or anyone from Harry Potter :-)

    1. Yes, anyone but Draco Malfoy. That boy's not quite right. ;)
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Gitte!
      ~Litha Nelle


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